Cos it really, really, really will happen.

Saturday 7 February 2009

Old news. Literally.

For the benefit of my readership of Esther and Nathan, this is the much famed drafted but not published, now ridiculously out of date and completely unfinished blog entry of two weeks ago. I would delete it, but there might be someone out there somewhere who didnt live through the tooth incident, and I wouldn't want to lose out on any belated sympathy....

I have had a tooth ache for the past few days. I woke up this morning feeling horrible with it (to the point that I was sucking frozen peas in an attempt to ease the pain..comes slightly recommended!). Anyway, then I went to visit the nice Indian men with the shop up the street and asked them for some Ibruprofin and mouthwash (whilst refusing to move my jaw to speak...I think I may have looked slightly like a grumpy ventriloquist (without a puppet)). They obliged, I came home, swilled and swallowed, cried, and then decided that maybe I should attempt to acheive something today! So my hair is busy dying some potentially horrific shade of red and I thought I would blog a little. But it's only when I sat down to write that I realised that A) my mouth wasn't hurting very much at the moment and B) such has been my obsession with mouth pain in the past three days that I literally have forgotten how to think about anything else!

It's been snow week this week! Except it hasn't made me feel very !, it's just made me feel a bit old and grumpy. Slipping and sliding and having wet shoes and socks and rising damp all the flippin time...I hope it's just been that I have been too busy for snow fun rather than me just having died a little inside. Est and I did go to the quay on Tuesday with a friend's daughter who was off school, which was fun, but I just found myself saying dont touch the snow/take off your coat inside or you wont feel the benfit outside/it probably will be gone tomorrow and you can go back to school etc etc. and just sounding Old! Not cool.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't hear of the tooth incident, poor Fran! (this is the belated sympathy, just in case you were wondering!) Hope your teeth are all better now :)
