Cos it really, really, really will happen.

Monday 30 March 2009

Cheers and Boos

Cheers and Boos used to be a very, very important part of my life. My youth group (which may well have been The Coolest Youth Group In The World Ever) met on a Sunday night, we were in fact the imaginatively named Sunday Night Group, and amongst many other important things involving lard, jelly and the Lord Jesus Christ, we celebrated, commiserated and generally put the world to rights through cheering and booing through one another's lives. Here are mine today.


Getting ready to go on holiday to France on Friday. Est, Rach and I are taking an aeroplane at Early O'Clock from Southampton and we are going to Ross town for a few days. I'm in the habit of being a bit blaise about holidays (having been fortunate enough to have done quite a few of them), but this one I'm really excited about. I'm not sure if it's because I'm looking forward to seeing Ross, or if it's because real life can be a bit mundane sometimes. I'm gonna tell him it's the former.

Googling. My actual job is fairly dull. It is data inputting, it is filing, it is spreadsheets, it is moving files, it is redirecting phonecalls, it is being told off for having crap posture. Fortunatly my colleagues have realised this of late and have given me the extra special job of googlin' questions they have. I have a piece of paper taped to my desk and they write stuff on it and I reserach it and give a small presentation on the subject. This has enriched my knowledge in the last few weeks on subjects as varied as Snow White, viaducts, concertinas, large bumble bees, pencils, Luke Perry and the cast of Dallas. Every day's a school day.

Exeter. This sounds barrel scraping, but it's sunny. Exeter in the sun is fricking brilliant, and life is just better. It means you can go to the Quay and the Cathedral and Weigh and Save....just better and more beautiful and just generally more full of wonder. And I can wear flip flops and it doesn't look too strange.


Getting up in the middle of the night to go to France. I don't want to do anything, ever, when it affects my sleeping pattern. I literally think the world might end.

Feeling a bit end of termed out. As much as I might pretend to be all grown up now, I think that I still only function properly in 10 week spurts (preferably with "reading week" thrown in the middle). Everything is fine but I feel slightly like I'm running on empty. A break will be good.

Not everyone has such as easy and enjoyable a life as me. This makes me a bit sad sometimes.

That was fun. Now, I need to revise for my New Testament exam on Thursday quite badly. If the exam is just on the first three chapters of Mark then I think it's fair to say I will probably kick quite a lot of arse. If it, in any way, broaches any of the rest of the NT, I think it is fair to say at this precise time I shall be a little bit troubled. Still, there's always a chance...

Monday 9 March 2009

Home Alone

Hello. This literally only happens when I am home alone, I reckon there could be a scientifically measured relationship between the frequency of my blogging and the sociability of my housemates. As soon as I have paid off my student loan I may well fund the research myself. Watch This Space. (I have just realised that by the time I have paid off my loan it will be the year 2065 and the others might have moved on a bit by then...).

I havent worked out if I am only meant to do this when I have a Point or not. And I am only really driven to write when I have some kind of emotion which feels like it needs to outburst, but this does not necessarily reflect the status quo of my life. is very important to me. Dave blogs a lot. He is both my blogging and vegetarian role model. He always seems quite happy in his blog, but my knowledge of his (fairly public) borderline personality disorder thing suggests that this probably isn't always the case. So is there some kind of blogging etiquette I need to find out about?? Hm, an example of the very unimportant things which plague my mind.

This means a lot to me...