Cos it really, really, really will happen.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Half term high jinks

It's half term!! Woooooo!! Now, that's not to mean that I don't love regular life and stuff, but I'm not sure I will ever grow out of that half term feeling. And, as I see it, if full grown teachers are allowed to be as excited as the yoofs in Radi8 then I'm pretty sure I must be allowed to join in the fun too. Someone almost tried to throw a spanner in my works (metaphorically speaking) the other day by asking what I was doing over half term. Uh-oh, I don't like wasting time and apparently everyone else is going on trips and visiting people...does the fact that I am not booked on lots of advanced single trips around Britain mean that in fact this time is meaningless and wasted and won't have any significant impact on this transitional decade of my life?!

No, it doesn't.

I rather impressed myself by being able to say I was actually just staying around Exeter because, get this, it means I get to be in Devon. In Devon! Imagine having a life where you get to live in Devon?! Well, maybe you don't have to imagine, or maybe you're quite happy just where you are thank you very much, but I, for one, today, am very, very happy and grateful for abiding somewhere quite this wonderful. Even if it is raining...

I was excited by my afternoon off today and all the possibilities of working through my Half Term To Do List Special, but it's not been terribly successful thus far. Lunch, tick. Book hair cut, no one is picking up the phone. Book dentist appointment, call disconnected (x3). Order wedding present for Hannah and Chris, is cretinous. Tidy bedroom, have better idea of throwing away "half my clothes" far this has involved making a pile of them in the middle of my bedroom floor, getting slightly overwhelmed and retreating to the living room.

And so I blog. Whilst this didn't make the official list I was inspired to write a little when I whiled away a good 20 minutes at work this morning on Lauren's new blog. I really like it. If you're wondering what other blogs I quite like then take a gander on the side of this page somewhere. All top quality stuff.

As I should really get back to the list I am just going to leave you with a clutch of really quite good things that I have appreciated recently....

A clutch of really quite good things that I have appreciated recently

* Walking and the sun and Topsham and cake. All of these things individually are fairly up there (where?) on my list of examples of good things in life but when combined into one that's quite a dangerously exciting combination.

* Tunnock's bars. I have a circular relationship with these chocolate bars that I ADORE them and then manage to forget they exist and then stumble across them again and am convinced that they are even more brilliant than the last time I ate them. Possibly I just have a poor memory. Possibly.

* Finding out that only two men in the world know the speical recipe for Irn Bru and that so top secret is this classified information that they are unable to both travel in a plane together at the same time. Brilliant.

* Ben Folds. I have been enjoying a BF renaissance in the past week, both home and away, and he has made me happy. Like remembering an old friend. Listen.

I am going to tackle the clothing issue. I hope to win but please don't hold me to account on the 50% statement. Always a visionary, not always a realist.

Wednesday 13 May 2009


Cor and blimey. It's been a very long time since I've writ anything here. Not that I suspect anyone cares, but a tad lazy on my part. That said, I think I've commented before that I tend to write more when I have some kind of emotional knot that needs some kind of release. That hasn't happened recently. The good ship is sailing quite happily on the Ally Ally O.

Since my last splurge I have been offered a place to do a PGCE in further education at Exeter College in September. This is ace. A year of learning how to work with grown ups to teach them how to make the most of reading and writing. It a little bit seems to be the best possible thing that I could be given the opportunity to do with my time and it reminds me that in all things God is there working for the good. Sometimes I find myself thinking that I have had my fair share of good living and that I should expect imminent rubbishness, but I've been realising in the past months that just isn't true. I'm not promised that life will be a constant picnic but actually all this blessing stuff isn't a conincidence, and I'm not using up my magic wishes, He just is good. So, yeah, Amen to that.

Right, teatime. Esther is bringing home panini tonight. Did you know there's no such thing as 'paninis'? Nope. Panini is in fact the plural and a single item should be referred to as a panino. Every day's a school day.

Finally, Squeeze have been important today. Lend them your ears.